A one-man comedy play
‘My Dog’s Got No Nose’ was first presented by Bruce James Productions Ltd. at the Key Theatre Studio, Peterborough on 29th October 2009.
The Man - Damian Williams
Director - Bruce James
Set and Lighting Designer - Geoff Gilder
Costume Designs - Bruce James
This one-man comedy play ‘My Dog’s Got No Nose’, by Ron Aldridge, takes us on a journey through the events surrounding a stand-up comedian’s first ever public performance.
This ‘debut’ is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream and illustrates perfectly the old adage, “be careful what you wish for!”
Stand-up comedy, unrequited love, animal lovers, facts of life, sibling rivalries and mercy-killing are just some of the
elements covered in this very funny and bitter-sweet story, as we discover that both the man and the ‘performance’ are not quite what they seem.
“Bitter-sweet, very funny, sometimes poignant, often hilarious!”
“This evening will leave you laughing and crying at the same time!”
“It was so good my husband didn’t fall asleep!”
Comedian’s tale is comic genius
My Dog’s Got No Nose, Bruce James Productions
Marina Theatre, Lowestoft
Damian Williams stars in this play by Ron Aldridge as a photographer with ambitions to be a stand-up comedian, but his wife has other ideas.
The original meaning of the word comedy was used to describe a dramatic play that was the opposite of tragedy and featuring a happy ending.
Playwright Ron Aldridge’s cleverly written My Dog’s Got No Nose includes two twists in his bittersweet tale that begins with laughter and – almost – ends in tears.
Williams immediately struck the right note with the audience and we become confidantes in the tale of his journey and the ultimate tragic reality of his dream to become a successful stand-up comedian.
A master of the art of comic timing, Williams had us on his side and laughing from curtain up, continuing to keep our sympathies when his character’s life took an unexpected turn, through his early unrequited love for his sister-in-law.
Damian Williams proved himself be an equally good straight actor as he is comic genius in this great piece of new writing from the pen of Ron Aldridge.
RD Friday November 27, 2009
Bravo, Damian!
I would like to thank the Marina Theatre for a brilliant evening last week.
Damian Williams in My Dog’s Got No Nose was truly memorable.
Regular visitors to the theatre will know Damian for his comedy and ad-libs, but to witness his one-man performance, which had the audience laughing and crying by turns, was amazing.
The twists and turns in the play had us gripped from start to finish, and Mr Williams richly deserved the standing ovation for his brilliant solo masterpiece.
Well done to all concerned.
My husband and I went to the Marina Theatre on Saturday night to see My Dog’s Got No Nose.
What a great play. Damian Williams had me laughing one minute and nearly crying the next. Although I think the title of it was misleading, the play itself as brilliant.
In fact, it was so good my husband didn’t even fall asleep.