Full-length stage play.
Presented at both the New Inn, Ealing, and the Spice of Life Fringe Theatres.

‘Games Couples Play’ – New Inn Theatre, Ealing
Ron Aldridge makes his debut here at the New Inn as both the writer and director of a new comedy. The title of the play is also that of a parlour game which two married couples find themselves playing upon returning from an evening out, having had a drink or two.
Barry and Susan take it seriously, but June finds their revelations boring and presses her husband, Tim, into revealing an affair she suspects him of having since their marriage.
From then on the plot merrily thickens and the laughs get louder as more truths surface.
The two main protagonists, June and Tim, each have lengthy soliloquies as they ‘talk’ to the audience about the resultant consequences following their revelations, and amidst the laughter there are also moments of great tenderness and poignancy.
As June, Suzanne Delaney, gives a memorable performance, showing she is equally at home with broad comedy as she is with sensitivity.
Howard David as Tim is equally memorable, and during this evening’s performance,
he was handed a tissue by a member of the audience when he broke down in tears. Memorable indeed.
There is strong support from Marie Jelliman, Ivor Gwynne-Davies and Jon Wheatcroft.
Funny, absorbing and thought-provoking, this is a rewarding evening of theatre.